Sell Now or Wait Until Spring?

Here's What We Think

Winter is slowly winding down and we are looking towards Spring and all the loveliness it brings. A lot of the prospective vendors we are working with now are looking at listing in Spring, typically September and October, when the blossoms are blooming, the lawns have greened up (hopefully because we’ve had rain!) and we can again open our homes to the fresh air and sunshine that Spring days bring.

We get it! And we are looking forward to it! It’s like we are coming out of hibernation and are feeling energised by the change in weather as we wave winter goodbye for another year. Suddenly, it seems easier to do those jobs around the house that were put off over winter and if you’re thinking of selling your house your motivation levels to get the house sale ready are probably a lot higher.

Whether to list in Winter or wait until Spring is an interesting dilemma for people selling their properties because there are benefits to both and it may be one that is worth giving more thought to when you look at it from both sides of the argument.

Traditionally, most properties are listed during the Spring months and the reasons why are obvious and compelling. Spring shows off your property in its best light, the days are longer and more pleasant and the buyers are keen to visit open homes. There is increased market activity generally and typically properties will sell faster.

On the flip side to that, if you are a would-be seller thinking that you will hold off until spring, it could potentially do some damage to your prospect of getting a great outcome. Why? Because suddenly you are in competition with a lot of other like minded sellers and the competition can be fierce as a large number of properties come onto the market at the same time.

This is a great situation for buyers and experts would recommend to buyers that they enter the market during a peak period like Spring as there will be a high number of properties available and potentially, they will be able to negotiate a cheaper price for a property if sellers are competing for buyers.

If you’re thinking of selling your property and are ready and able to list sooner rather than later, here is why we think that it would benefit you to list as Winter winds down, ie right now.

Apart from the obvious discussed above, where you will have increased competition from other houses hitting the market the same time as yours and spoiling the buyers with choice, we have found over the last couple of months that there is still buyer demand and it is strong. The buyers are out there, they want to buy and they want to buy now.

If your property is presented well and priced well then, it’s going to attract buyer interest. When buyers really want to buy a property they won’t care about rain, icy winds and frosty mornings and despite Orange experiencing all of these over Winter we have generally received good attendance at our open homes and enquiry from buyers locally and investors from further afield has been stable over what is historically a quieter period.

If you are ready to list now, there is still time left to make the most of the good points of your property that stand out during winter. If you are lucky enough to have a northern aspect that’s fantastic and there’s still time to make the most of it. Those west-facing windows that are a problem in summer can make for a real bonus now. Draw back the curtains and blinds on all windows and let as much light and warmth in as possible. It also helps to enhance the winter features of your home by making sure your heating and/or fireplaces, wood or natural gas, are operating during inspections creating a cosy warmth that will appeal to buyers as they come in from the cold outside.

If you are a seller who would prefer to wait for Spring to list your property we have some hints and tips that you could start working on now to ensure that you’re property is ready for sale as soon as you are ready to list it.

Make the property feel inviting

Buyers like to imagine they’d enjoy living in a property, so make it easy for them to feel good about your place. Gentle music, a fragrant oil burner and a few scattered cushions can make all the difference on inspection day. The power of emotion is amazing, even with the most astute purchaser. Perhaps even hire some modern furnishings or whatever suits the style of your property to create the perfect package. Remember to also consider your outdoor areas!

Less is more

Clear the clutter. It will make it easier to keep the property tidy for inspections and rooms will feel more spacious to buyers.

Let the sunshine in

Everyone loves sunshine when they are looking to buy, so open up blinds and curtains for inspections and make sure windows are clean inside and out. After many years in real estate, we have never had a buyer complain of too much sun.

Fix outstanding repairs

Especially visible ones. Even the smallest of problems can make buyers wary about other less obvious issues. So, it’s best to fix what buyers will see and make the property appear well cared for.

Clean up lawns & gardens & remove rubbish

This may seem self-explanatory, yet it’s often the garden that is last on the list of things to do. If you’ve spent time and money with your property’s presentation, a small investment in finishing off gardens can be extremely worthwhile. Remember we live in a beautiful town where the outdoor areas can be just as valuable as indoors for many buyers, so make sure they add to the property’s appeal.

Some key points to consider with your outdoor areas are:

  • Remove children’s bikes and toys where possible
  • Make sure bins and composts are out of sight
  • Clean outdoor furniture as well as clear paths of moss and leaf debris

Gardening Tips

Up to 90% of your plants annual growth can occur in Spring, so being prepared will help your garden look spectacular by the time winter has passed. Here are some specific areas to focus on:

  • Prune shrubs and roses
  • Remove spent flowers from bulbs
  • Pull weeds from garden beds and lawns before they have a chance to take hold
  • Fertilise and mulch garden beds and fruit trees
  • Spring is the best time to start a new lawn from seed

For established lawns, start mowing more regularly in the spring for a thicker, greener lawn. Start with a fairly long cut and gradually reduce the height until your lawn is looking its best. Remember mowing promotes vigorous growth so mow regularly – just not too short! Spring is also a great time to fertilise lawns, as long as you water them afterwards.

The Kitchen

A good kitchen can help sell a property. Not only is it an essential part of the house, it can be the most expensive and inconvenient room to refurbish, so its condition will influence the value of your property. If your kitchen is a little dated, you don’t need to replace it, there are a few simple ways to help increase its appeal:

  • Change cupboard handles
  • Put appliances out of sight and keep bench space clean and clear
  • Pay special attention to the cleanliness of sinks, stoves and ovens
  • Wipe marks from cupboard doors and splash backs

Kids Bedrooms

Make it easier on the kids by packing up some of their toys and worldly possessions before you offer the property for sale. It will clear the space and help them to keep their room a little tidier during the sale. And if your children are “distinctive” in their decorating style, you may need to “neutralise” a little to appeal to a broader market.

Some key areas to consider:

  • Remove posters from walls, doors and windows
  • Cover worn or marked carpet with rugs and furniture

Master Bedroom

The master bedroom is another very important room for purchasers. Make it as inviting and relaxing as possible with candles, beautiful bed linen, cushions and throw rugs. If the room is large enough, include a comfy chair, coffee table and a few magazines or books.

Pets and Smells

Many buyers do not appreciate pets and by not considering these purchasers, you can unnecessarily limit your market.

Here are a few simple steps to consider if you’re a pet owner:

  • Take your pets to visit family and friends during inspections
  • Move bowls, toys and bedding outside the house and make sure they are always clean
  • Air the property for a few hours before inspections
  • Pick up any “surprises” in the garden before inspections

In the end, the decision of when to list is yours and we recommend you look at your personal circumstances and list when you are ready to sell, whatever that time of year may be.

No matter what though, we are here to help you before, during and after listing your property and aim to achieve the best possible outcome for you always.

Our agents are always happy to chat with you and share their knowledge and expertise on these things so please feel free to call them anytime.



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Sell Now or Wait Until Spring?